You don’t tend to find many strongmen too fussed by their bench press numbers. With the exception of the oddball event, strongman competitions rarely feature chest-dominant…
You don’t tend to find many strongmen too fussed by their bench press numbers. With the exception of the oddball event, strongman competitions rarely feature chest-dominant…
Yesterday saw England play host to this year’s Europe’s Strongest Man competition. Although a great competition in its own right, there was particular excitement in the…
…everything. The man has been on a Q&A binge of late. Starting off with a regular question and answer session on his youtube account: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=08AA_4YLjKA Covering:…
Poland wasn’t the only country playing host to a Giant’s Live competition this weekend. The same venue used for Europe’s Strongest Man was used to decide who…
After awhile out with injury Laurence Shahlaei looks set to make a triumph return to the strongman scene. A single squat at 340kg is impressive but…
Great Britain has been producing a lot of strongman talent as late and an almost universal strength of these athletes is their deadlift. First and foremost…