Joshua Thigpen Story: Defining Greatness in the Strongman Arena

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Joshua Thigpen, born on February 16, 1982, gravitated towards strength sports from a young age. With a towering height of 198 cm (6’6”) and a competition weight of 145 kg (320 lbs), Thigpen had the physical foundation to excel in demanding physical disciplines. Although the specific details of his early years and initial attraction to strength sports are not provided, like many in his field, Thigpen likely began his athletic journey through more traditional sports, such as powerlifting and bodybuilding, before discovering his passion for strongman competitions.

Strongman Career Highlights

Joshua Thigpen’s tenure in professional strongman competitions spanned over a decade and was characterized by resilience, determination, and a steady climb up the ranks of elite strength athletes. From his beginnings in 2005 until his retirement in 2017, Thigpen participated in a broad spectrum of national and international contests, showcasing both his immense power and his versatility across the sport’s traditional events.

Years Active

During the twelve years that Thigpen actively competed, the sport of strongman continued to evolve, with athletes pushing the limits of human strength further each year. Thigpen’s career was part of this progression. Over this period, Thigpen spent countless hours training and refining his technique, ensuring his performances consistently reflected growth and adaptability. His career longevity is noteworthy; Strongman is a sport that demands not only peak physical performance but also enduring significant physical stress. Thigpen’s ability to remain competitive for over a decade speaks volumes about his commitment to his craft, his training regimen, and his thoughtful approach to competition and recovery.

World’s Strongest Man Appearances

The World’s Strongest Man (WSM) competition is the pinnacle of strongman contests, where only the top-tier athletes earn the chance to compete. Participating six times in the WSM competition places Thigpen among an elite group of strength athletes. The fact that Josh reached the remarkable position of 3rd in his heat at this event underscores his athletic prowess.

Participating in the competition for World’s Strongest Man demands more than just raw strength. Competitors must possess a complex combination of attributes, including explosive power, tremendous endurance, superior mental toughness, and strategic thinking. Athletes must excel in various events, from lifting Atlas Stones to pulling trucks, with each year bringing its own set of challenges and requiring athletes to adapt both physically and mentally.

The difficulty in qualifying for the WSM is an achievement, as athletes must prove themselves in Giants Live events or national competitions, with only a select few making it to the grand stage. Once there, competitors face a grueling series of events across several days, an actual test of their abilities, with no room for error or weakness.

For Thigpen, performing at the WSM was a display of reaching the apex of his potential in strongman sports. His highest finish of 3rd in his qualifying heat reflected not just his day’s strength but his preparation and tactical execution against some of the most formidable opponents in the sport.

Despite the competitive nature of the sport and the personal challenge each event offered, Thigpen’s time on the WSM stage was filled with moments of camaraderie and sportsmanship, as athletes often foster mutual respect, and the sense of community thrives even amidst the fiercest of competitions.

Key Competitions and Performances

Josh Thigpen’s competition record is a testament to his skill, strength, and consistency as a strongman competitor. Some notable performances from his career include:

  • 2017 Arnold Series Qualifier in Katowice, Poland: Thigpen placed 7th out of 9 competitors. This event is part of a series leading to one of the most prestigious Arnold Strongman Classic competitions, indicating a high level of competition.
  • 2015 World’s Strongest Man (WSM) Group 2 in Putrajaya, Malaysia: He secured the 4th place out of 6 participants, showcasing his international competitiveness.
  • 2012 Giants Live Hungary in Budapest, Hungary: Thigpen earned a podium finish, placing 3rd out of 12, one of his standout achievements, demonstrating his ability to compete at a high level globally.
  • 2012 and 2011 All-American Strongman Challenge in Los Angeles, California: He showed consistent performance by participating in this competition across the years.

Personal Records

Personal records (PRs) are milestones in an athlete’s career, encapsulating moments of peak performance and personal triumphs. For strongman competitors like Joshua Thigpen, these records are not just personal achievements but also benchmarks that place them on the international stage. Thigpen, through his career, has set several PRs, with the Max Deadlift event at the 2017 Arnold Series Qualifier standing out notably.

Max Deadlift Achievement

  • Event: 2017 Arnold Series Qualifier
  • Performance: Max Deadlift
  • Record Lift: 320 kg (705 lbs)

Significance of the Max Deadlift PR

  • Benchmark of Strength: The deadlift is a cornerstone in strongman competitions, testing athletes’ raw lifting power. Lifting 320 kg (705 lbs) is a testament to Thigpen’s phenomenal strength and technique, positioning him among the sport’s strong performers.
  • Training and Dedication: Achieving such a significant personal record requires meticulous training regimens, focusing on strength and technique. For Thigpen, reaching this level would have involved countless hours of dedicated training, exceptional attention to diet and recovery, and strategic increments in lifting intensity.
  • Mental Fortitude: Lifting over 700 pounds off the ground is not just a physical but also a mental challenge. The ability to focus, overcome the body’s resistance, and push through perceived limits is crucial. Thigpen’s PR reflects his mental toughness and resilience under pressure.

Comparison with Other Achievements

  • Strongman Versatility: Strongman competitions demand more than just excel in one type of event. They require proficiency across various disciplines, from endurance events like the Truck Pull to the precision needed for the Atlas Stones. Thigpen’s deadlift PR signifies his prowess in raw strength, but his overall performance in competitions highlights his versatility and endurance.
  • Growth Over Time: Setting a personal record at the Arnold Series Qualifier, a prestigious competition in 2017, towards the latter part of his career, indicates Thigpen’s continuous improvement and adaptation over time. Despite the challenges and the physical toll of the sport, Thigpen was able to maintain and even elevate his performance.

Detailed Training Regimen

Joshua Thigpen’s training regimen, as one would expect, is designed to challenge and refine his abilities in line with the types of events he generally competes. Given the nature of strongman competitions, the training needs to address not only power but also functional strength, stamina, and resilience. Understanding that every part of his regimen has a specific purpose in preparedness for his contests is critical.

Weekly Training Schedule

Thigpen trains almost daily, six days a week dedicated to honing his physical prowess.

  • Days 1 and 4 (Typically Monday and Thursday): These days are primarily devoted to weightlifting and functional movements. It involves traditional powerlifting exercises such as squats, bench presses, and deadlifts, focusing on progressive overload to increase maximum lifting capacity. Besides these exercises, he also performs strongman-specific drills such as tire flips, keg carries, and Atlas Stones.
  • Days 2 and 5 (Typically Tuesday and Friday): These days are structured around cardiovascular endurance and recovery. This would involve lighter weightlifting, stretches, and moderate cardio activities to help boost his heart rate and promote blood circulation. These exercises, while less strenuous, still contribute significantly to overall performance by improving endurance and reducing downtime through more rapid recovery.
  • Days 3 and 6 (Typically Wednesday and Saturday): During these days, Thigpen focuses on heavy strongman events. This could include practicing the truck pull, the yoke carry, log lifts, and other demanding strongman activities. The goal is to become as proficient as possible in the exact exercises that will be encountered during competitions, including understanding the physical demands of each event.
  • Day 7 (Typically Sunday): This day is dedicated to rest, vital for muscle recovery and growth. Rest days also allow time for reflection on the week’s progress and planning for the coming week.

Thigpen’s Nutrition Philosophy

Supporting such a demanding physical regimen requires an equally dedicated focus on nutrition. Thigpen’s diet, much like his training, is purpose-driven and is structured around his nutritional needs for optimum performance and recovery.

  • Macronutrient Balance: Thigpen eats a diet rich in complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and premium proteins; for intense training sessions, complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables supply much-needed energy. Nutritious fats from avocados, salmon, and nuts offer additional energy reserves and vital fatty acids.
  • Caloric Intake: Due to the intensity of his training, Thigpen’s daily caloric requirements are substantially higher than average. He would likely consume several thousand calories daily, spread over 5-6 meals, to ensure his body is consistently fueled.
  • Timing and Portion Control: Understanding when to eat is as important as knowing what to eat. Thigpen likely schedules his meals and snacks around his training, with pre-workout meals providing energy for training and post-workout meals focusing on protein and carbs for recovery and muscle growth.
  • Hydration: With high-intensity workouts, maintaining proper hydration is vital. Aside from water, Thigpen likely includes sports drinks to replenish electrolytes lost during training.
  • Supplementation: While a carefully planned diet covers most nutritional bases, supplements can fill any remaining gaps. Thigpen may utilize protein powders, multivitamins, fish oil (for omega-3 fatty acids), and possibly creatine for additional muscle energy reserve.

Anabolic Steroid Cycle for Strongman

Based on the insights from professional bodybuilders and fitness experts, Joshua Thigpen adheres to the following steroid cycle below:

Building Phase (Weeks 1-12)

  • Testosterone Enanthate: 500-700mg per week. It’s the base of most cycles, given its multiple benefits like muscle growth, increased strength, and improved recovery. Being a long-acting testosterone variant, it’s commonly injected once or twice a week.
  • Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca Durabolin): 400mg per week. It is used mainly for its joint relief and healing capabilities, which are beneficial due to the intense workouts strongmen undergo.
  • Dianabol: 30–50 mg daily for the first four to six weeks. Its quick improvements in power and muscle make it sound as a jumpstart. It may be necessary to use aromatase inhibitors to manage side effects related to estrogen and bloating.

Strength and Conditioning Phase (Weeks 12-20)

  • Testosterone Propionate: 100-200mg every other day. This short-acting testosterone variant would be used to maintain testosterone levels while allowing for quicker clearance before any drug testing.
  • Trenbolone Acetate: 75-100mg every other day. Trenbolone dramatically increases muscle hardness, definition, and raw strength, making it popular in the final weeks before a contest.
  • Anavar: 50mg per day. Used in the final weeks for its ability to increase strength without significant size increase or water retention.

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

It’s a series of compounds taken after an anabolic steroid cycle to help the body reestablish its natural hormonal balance. It’s an essential part of any steroid cycle. PCT typically includes Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) like Clomid and Nolvadex and might consist of others, such as HCG.


  • Human Growth Hormone (HGH): 4-6IU per day. This is optional and used by some athletes for its potential to improve recovery, promote lean tissue growth, and enhance fat loss. HGH is usually used over a prolonged period, irrespective of any steroid cycle.
  • Aromatase inhibitors or SERMs: To counter estrogenic side effects throughout the cycle. The choice and dosage depend on the substances used and the individual’s tolerance.

This steroid cycle is ideally designed for individuals aiming to compete in strongman or any bodybuilding events. It offers the necessary potency for such high-intensity competitions.

The Lasting Impact of Joshua Thigpen’s Strongman Legacy

Thigpen’s impact on the strongman community is a tale of more than just a list of victories and titles earned; it’s about his indelible mark on the sport’s ethos. With a career that exemplifies excellence, Thigpen has fashioned a legacy that acts as a bulwark, demonstrating the possibilities inherent in the human body when paired with an iron will. His readiness to educate and empower others stands out as a beacon, guiding the up-and-coming athletes who look to him as the pinnacle of strength, commitment, and sportsmanship.

Strongman, in its essence, is not just about the feats of strength one displays on the platform but also the fortitude to push through barriers away from the spotlight. Athletes like Thigpen are integral to advancing the sport’s boundary, driving its emergence from a niche passion to a global phenomenon. His approach, an intricate tapestry of persistent training, meticulous nutrition, and methodical rest, shines as the blueprint for success within this demanding discipline.

His influence does extend beyond the metrics of weight lifted or records broken: It lies in the way he’s shaped the ethos of the domain. Thigpen embodies the sport, a lighthouse whose beam reaches the shores of emerging talent, guiding their passage across the tumultuous waters of such a demanding pursuit. His legacy is not only in what he has lifted but in the lives he has inspired and the standards he has set, a benchmark that will echo through the ages, prompting all who aim to emulate his titanic presence in the League of strongmen.
