What’s that famous saying? Hands are overrated anyway? Perhaps it was lost in translation from Russian… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JovXdX9kHmM
What’s that famous saying? Hands are overrated anyway? Perhaps it was lost in translation from Russian… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JovXdX9kHmM
…Misha decided to ramp things up a little bit. Here is Russian Weightlifter, Powerlifter and Strongman Mikhail Koklyaev totalling 900kg/1984lb in 30 seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNbCTtbJm4k 330kg squat 200kg…
We’re not sure why it was made. We’ve know idea what Misha is saying in the video. But this behemoth of a metal stone certainly looks…
Are you a dedicated strongman athlete looking to reach new heights of performance? Look no further! Misha’s Ultimate Strongman Recovery Workout is here to take your…
When it comes to raw power and strength, few athletes can match the remarkable feats achieved by Misha Strongman. Renowned for his incredible deadlifting prowess, Misha…
Saturday 7th September saw the continuance of the Strongman Champions League (“SCL”) in Slovakia. For those not in the know, the SCL is ran throughout the year…
On Saturday 3rd August we travelled to western Poland to a small town called Kostrzyn to witness Giants Live, a qualifier for this year’s World’s Strongest Man.…
The increasingly larger looking Mikhail Koklyaev – Misha to you and I – has been showing off his impressive rep endurance with weights most would be happy…
Back at it again, this time with a slightly unusual (what Misha videos aren’t?) exercise. Although odd its certainly impressive – we’ve tried it with just…
Misha has been at it again, this time lifting two scantily clad ladies before moving on to two even less dressed men! Misha decides there’s only one thing…