Misha Strongman’s Stats and Workout for Conquering the 400kg Deadlift

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When it comes to raw power and strength, few athletes can match the remarkable feats achieved by Misha Strongman. Renowned for his incredible deadlifting prowess, Misha has successfully conquered the monumental challenge of lifting a staggering 400kg. In this article, we will delve into Misha’s awe-inspiring stats and reveal the workout plan that helped him achieve this remarkable feat. Get ready to unlock the secrets behind Misha Strongman’s extraordinary power!

Misha Strongman’s Stats

Misha Strongman’s remarkable deadlifting ability has cemented his status as one of the strongest athletes in the world. Here are some of his astounding stats:

  1. Personal Record: 400kg Deadlift Misha’s crowning achievement is undoubtedly his 400kg deadlift. This incredible display of strength showcases his determination, dedication, and unwavering commitment to pushing his limits.
  2. Unmatched Power-to-Weight Ratio One of the factors that sets Misha apart is his impressive power-to-weight ratio. Despite his immense strength, Misha maintains a well-proportioned physique that allows him to generate incredible force and execute flawless deadlifts.
  3. Strongman Competitions and Accolades Misha Strongman has competed in numerous strongman events worldwide and has secured prestigious titles and accolades. His consistently outstanding performances have earned him respect and recognition among his peers.

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Misha Strongman’s 400kg Deadlift Workout Plan

To achieve the extraordinary feat of a 400kg deadlift, Misha follows a rigorous workout plan tailored specifically to enhance his strength and overall lifting capacity. Here’s a breakdown of his training regimen:

  1. Compound Movements: Misha prioritizes compound exercises such as squats, deadlift variations, and overhead presses. These movements engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, allowing for greater overall strength development.
  2. Progressive Overload: Misha gradually increases the weight he lifts over time, employing the principle of progressive overload. By consistently challenging his muscles with heavier loads, he stimulates growth and continually pushes his limits.
  3. Variation and Specificity: Misha incorporates various deadlift variations into his training routine to target specific muscle groups and enhance his overall performance. This includes sumo deadlifts, deficit deadlifts, and Romanian deadlifts.
  4. Assistance Exercises: To complement his deadlift training, Misha incorporates a range of assistance exercises. These may include weighted pull-ups, farmer’s walks, barbell rows, and core-strengthening exercises to improve stability and support his deadlift technique.
  5. Rest and Recovery: Misha recognizes the importance of adequate rest and recovery in optimizing his performance. He ensures he gets enough sleep and incorporates rest days into his training program to allow his body to repair and grow stronger.


Misha Strongman’s stats and workout regimen for conquering the 400kg deadlift exemplify the incredible determination, discipline, and focus required to achieve extraordinary feats of strength. By following a well-structured training plan that emphasizes progressive overload, compound movements, and specific deadlift variations, Misha has risen to the top of his sport and established himself as a force to be reckoned with in the world of strength athletics. Remember, achieving such feats requires patience, consistency, and a deep understanding of your body’s capabilities. So, lace up your lifting shoes and be inspired by Misha Strongman’s incredible journey to conquering the 400kg deadlift!


At the World Championships in August I injured my triceps surgery was not there, but the love of fans who were waiting for me in this competition made ​​me do it – Misha
